Celebrate Freedom
Greetings Party Pals!
Thank you for visiting our site today for all the new site links that we have discovered since we last wrote to you. Pour a cup, sit back and get ready for some fantastic celebration surfing.
Welcome to autumn and the doorway to the holiday season!
The next few months are the ones that carry the good news and the bad news, if you will excuse the cliché. The holiday season is so wonderful, filled with happy times and yet, for most of us it is hectic and sometimes very stressful. Party people love this time of year when they can do some of their best work! The professionals are challenged by working miracles for their party clients and also having time to plan festivities and gifts for their friends and family members.
You will find loads of holiday entertaining plans on the pages of our web site all searchable with our new search feature. PLEASE… if you do not find the information you need by typing in your keywords, E-MAIL YOUR REQUEST TO US! (Don’t mean to shout, but we really want you to let us help you find what you need, even if it is not on our site or in our shop.)
Let's Recycle Party Supplies!
Another new feature is the Party Stuff Garage Sale! Not only can you list your excess party and craft supplies, props, costumes, decorations, gifts, favors or publications (anything new or used, to do with celebrations!) or purchase from the ads, plus you can announce your needs and it is a sure bet that other party pals will come to your rescue.
Your unneeded treasures may be exactly what another host is searching for. This is not an auction! You need only list your items, an asking price, your contact information and from there every deal is private. Come on in now to list, buy and search for goods. Brand new Classifieds!
Birthday Newsletters Software
A lot of you have asked about the software that prints out those neat birthday newsletters—“What Happened The Day You Were Born?” certificates. We found one that we think you will like and you can download a sample to see how it works before you invest. When you give these certificates, printed on festive papers, the impact is just great and at a cost of a few cents each. How about printing one for each guest at your party? Or for a whole class? Or for each family member? The uses are many. BirthdayBios
We're In the News!!
GiantEagle Party Menus and Recipes We were honored to be selected as the party experts for the Giant Eagle Grocery Store web site. We loaded their new Party Planning Site with dozens of theme party plans, to make the largest collection to be found on the Internet. Party plans for Kids from 1-9, Pre-Teens, Teens and adults. We are very proud of the MINI-BOOK we have written for this site. It is scheduled for launch October 1st.
Patty Promotes Polaroid After years of promoting Polaroid instant photos in all of her writings, seminars and interviews, the company has offered to pay for her help. As of this month Patty will write a column and offer her expertise on the web site dedicated to special events and parties. For a list of festive uses for Polaroid photos at your party click here.
Free Links Page
Another place to visit on our new and improved site--our new Celebrations Link Page, where you can add a link to your party related site. This is an exciting new thing for us, and we hope it will generate tons of new visitors to both ours and your site. Add your party link today.
Sign Up For Our Mailing List If you haven’t signed up on our official mailing list, be sure to do so now, since future newsletters and announcements will be going only to those on the list, rather than possibly offending anyone with our e-mail list mails. The link to join the list is below.
PartyPlansPlus.com promises to its subscribers to not use names or email addresses to send unsolicited information nor will we sell information to any third party.
Be Sure to Visit Our Holiday Links Page
We'll be back soon with more party news,
Phyllis Cambria and Patty Sachs